Kumkum Bhagya 8th October 2015
Kumkum Bhagya 8th October 2015 Written Update by Site Owner
Kumkum Bhagya 8th October 2015 Written Episode
The Episode starts with Abhi coming to hospital to meet Tanu, and is being informed about two Tanu’s in the hospital. He tells her full name, but couldn’t get her info. He thinks to check in general ward. Bulbul tells Purab and Pragya that they have to hide under the bed. Purab tries searching the place. Bulbul asks Pragya to keep an eye on the door and informs them if anyone comes. Dasi asks Dadi if she was talking about Aaliya, when she said something big is going to happen. Dadi says she didn’t know anything and said just like that. She wears her specs and says I have some work with Mitali. Dasi thinks Didi is hiding something from me, and she is not tensed as Tanu is in hospital. She thinks to find out about the truth. Abhi checks Tanu in the general ward and says I thought you are Tanu. The patient Tanu identifies him to be rockstar and insists to take selfie with him. Abhi asks them to let her go. Nikhil tries to enquire about Tanu in the hospital and sees Abhi standing. He hides and thinks to follow Abhi. He sees Abhi coming towards him and wears mask and carries apron in his hand. Abhi asks him about Tanu’s room. Nikhil stays silent and thinks to search her before Abhi.
Bulbul and Purab are hiding behind the curtains, waiting for Tanu’s boyfriend to come. Bulbul goes somewhere, and Purab thinks to see her. Tanu wakes up and wonders where is she? She thinks she is in hospital and says she has reached here because of Aaliya. She checks her phone and sees her misscalls. Aaliya thinks it seems Tanu is still unconscious now. Tanu calls her and blames for her condition. Aaliya says I am your friend and that’s why I want to inform that Nikhil is coming there. Tanu says let him come. Aaliya says Abhi is also there and says if truth comes out then Abhi will not forgive her. She asks her to run from hospital or acts to faint again. Tanu asks her to come to her, and says she is feeling alone. Aaliya says okay.
Mitali thinks to watch TV for Tanu’s accident news. Raj asks her to give breakfast as he is going to office. Mitali says I thought you will not go today. Raj asks if Tanu will get well if I stay at home. Mitali says she didn’t make breakfast. Raj asks her to make food in dinner and says he will eat even if anything happens to Tanu. Mitali asks him to skip lunch and have dinner at home. Pragya sees Abhi coming and wonders why he is here. Abhi asks what you are doing here? Pragya jokes and says shopping. She says I brought her here. Abhi says are you responsible for her condition. He asks why you didn’t call me. They argue. Bulbul thinks Pragya is talking to whom. Pragya thinks what to do as Bulbul and Purab are hiding inside. She tells Tanu is still unconscious. Abhi thinks to check the room. Bulbul comes out of room. Abhi asks did you come with her? Bulbul says why I will come with her? She says I came with Purab to meet Neurologist. Abhi says I will meet Purab first and then Tanu. Bulbul sees Abhi looking at them and tells Pragya that she hates her. Abhi says well done.
Aaliya comes to Dadi and apologizes to her repeatedly. Dadi says okay, I forgive you. Aaliya says you are the best Dadi. Aaliya asks her to talk to Abhi, and asks him to take her back in office. Dadi says I made Abhi forgave you many times, but can’t do it again. Aaliya says if she stays at home, then Pragya will make her do house work. Dadi says I will not talk to Abhi, but you have one way. She asks her to fold hands infront of Pragya. Aaliya says no way, and says it seems you are un well that’s why giving bad suggestions. Tanu thinks how to run from here, and thinks she can’t even walk. She hears someone sleeping and acts to faint. Abhi comes and tries to wake her up. Pragya says she is unconscious. Abhi asks where is Purab? Pragya tells Bulbul that she saw him outside. Abhi looks for Purab and says he is not there.
Abhi asks them to tell what is going on here silently else…..Bulbul says I was here and was asking doctor why he kept female patient with male patient. She says Doctor justified for it. She says don’t know where did Purab go? Tanu wakes up and acts. She calls Abhi’s name. Abhi asks her if lady mogambo is responsible for her condition. Tanu thinks it is a good chance to teach her a good lesson. She thinks to take Pragya’s name and thinks Abhi will not spare Pragya.
Tanu asks Nikhil to go from there. Nikhil says he will not leave her and his baby in this condition. Just the they hear Abhi bringing Doctor there, and get shocked..