Mere Angne Mein 10th October 2015
Mere Angne Mein 10th October 2015 Written Update by Site Owner
Mere Angne Mein 10th October 2015 Written Episode
The Episode starts with Shanti hearing the radio. The pandit comes and tells about proposals. Raghav talks on phone and goes. Nimmi talks to pandit and Shanti asks her to keep Maun Vrath. Sarla looks on. The pandit shows guy’s proposal and Shanti likes him. Vyom takes the call and Mata ji gets saved. Sujeet talks to Vyom and asks where is he. Vyom says I have to go, Sujeet is getting angry. Sujeet says he will come to Vyom and Vyom gets tensed.
Shanti tells Riya that Anupam has sent Sahil, Raghav will be angry. Riya says I will call dad, I told him I don’t want scooty. Nimmi thinks to exchange Preeti’s pic with Pari. Riya walks to her. Nimmi cuts the pic and keeps Pari’s pic in envelop. Riya looks on and leaves. Shanti asks Kaushalya to stop Riya from calling her dad. Nimmi gives envelop and Shanti asks her to show which pic she kept. Nimmi gets tensed. The pandit says he is in hurry and has to go hospital. He takes pic and leaves. Shanti threatens Kaushalya about Shivam and Riya’s salary.
Vyom calls his mum. Mata ji tells Vyom that Sujeet went with guns and looks for Mama. Vyom says Pari is not going, what shall I do. Vyom asks Pari to leave in auto, as his brother is coming. She says I want to meet him and your mum. Shanti is doing her drama again. Shivam comes and Kaushalya asks him about talking to Riya. He goes to talk to Riya. Riya asks Anupam why did he send scooty, her inlaws don’t like this, Shanti said she will buy scooty for me. Anupam asks why to waste money, keep it. Shivam comes and says he has to talk to Riya. She ends call and asks what happened.
He tells about the family ritual to handover salary to Dadi. He asks her to give her salary to Dadi and asks does she have any problem. She says yes. Shanti acts like going Vridh ashram and Kaushalya stops her. Sarla asks Shanti to stop, Shivam will talk to Riya. She asks Kaushalya about Cd guy. Kaushalya says he said he will come. Kaushalya asks Sarla to explain Shanti.
Shanti gives 1rs to rickshaw guy and he argues. Riya says she has no problem, why did he take so much stress for such small thing. He thanks and hugs her. She says I m doing duty of bahu, stay away stranger. He smiles and hugs her, saying I don’t care. They have sweet nok jhok and he challenges her that she will come to him. They smile. Raghav asks Shanti is she going anywhere.
Shanti says I was going to market. Kaushalya says I m making tea, come. Raghav says I will leave in rickshaw. Shanti takes a rupee back. Shanti says this maybe her last tea at home. Kaushalya worries. Sarla says how will I get money for CD. Shanti says she has got good proposal for Pari, its very rich family. Shanti says I think they will agree soon as Pari has good values. Sarla recalls Pari stealing cash and worries. She calls videographer and asks when will he get CD. The man argues as she did not pay money.
Kaushalya worries about Shivam and makes tea. Pari is on the way. Mata ji wakes up Mama and puts water on him. She says Sujeet has gone with gun to Vyom, tell me, whether the bullets were real or fake. Mama says bullets were fake. She gets relieved. Mama says real bullets were kept close. She worries. Pari sees Sujeet coming to meet Vyom and aiming gun at him. Vyom sits holding his feet and apologizes. Pari gets shocked seeing Sujeet and Vyom. Sujeet says if you don’t take my call next time, I will shoot you, come with me, sit in the car. Pari leaves.
Shanti asks Sarla why is she tensed, whom is she calling. Sarla makes excuses and talks to Shanti. Kaushalya asks will she have food here or take tiffin. Sarla is tensed and looks lost. Preeti’s boss asks her to keep 25000rs with her and deposit tomorrow. She thinks Dadi will create scene and refuses. The man says he is going on leave and asks her to keep it. She agrees. Shivam comes downstairs and thinks to give surprise to his lovely wife. He goes to kitchen. Shanti fills Kaushalya’s ears.
He tells Nimmi that he is taking tea for Riya. She teases him. Vyom calls Pari. She asks why did he leave her in market and avoiding her. Vyom tells about Sujeet’s foreign trips and she gets shocked. She gets glad knowing about Sujeet’s luxurious life. Vyom says he will come and meet her, and take her to 5v star coffee shop. She agrees and is happy to go 5 star café. Vyom smiles fooling her. Pari makes excuse at parlor and says dog had bitten my sister. She gets leave and goes to meet Vyom.
Kaushalya hears Shanti and Sarla joking on Shivam. She stops Shivam from taking tea for Riya and scolds him for insulting them. She asks him to take Riya out, but not do these things. He gets sad. Nimmi comes and hears Shanti and Sarla talking. Riya agrees to give salary to Shanti. Shivam leaves to meet a friend. Shanti asks Riya to sit with her on the swing. Shanti says I m happy that Nimmi got order and hugs Nimmi. She sends Riya to help Kaushalya to cook food.
Shanti takes Nimmi along to her room and scolds Shanti. Shanti says Riya has agreed to me and taunts Nimmi. She says Riya is educated, not illiterate like you. Shanti asks Nimmi to have some shame, and insults her. Nimmi argues and taunts Bua. Sarla starts crying. Shanti asks Nimmi to apologize to Sarla and scolds her. She scares her of Raghav and makes Nimmi apologize to Sarla.
Shanti asks Sarla what new thing did she do. Sarla looks at her.